Landscapes fascinate me – maybe the same way as when I look at situations, where seeking for context comes before making a judgment or opinion.

Looking at the past weekend’s photos gives me an opportunity to appreciate what I have, my ability to enjoy many things “at my disposal”, the freedom that comes with choices I make every day, the time I can enjoy with family and the health I am regaining after years of neglect.

Being one with nature refreshes my thoughts and makes whatever complicated, simple. I am lucky to not need to travel so far or spend so much money to enjoy nature and have a good time.

Having trekked half of the way of the wetlands reserve, this is the last of the series of photos taken at this serene and “closest to the jungle” experience I’ve ever had in Singapore.

The pathway to Eagle’s Point

The world is great if we know where to look..

The Eagle’s Point at the far end. Being one with the sea without getting wet..

Mangroves.. No crocodiles in sight..

Because we want to remember this moment that will never pass again.. Only moving forward from here..

What you see is a reflection of who you are.. To me, nothing is ordinary..
My mom may not be a fan of walking trails, but I am happy she did not give up. These are the simple moments we will cherish as a family, with her grandson always wanting to explore.. So I hope the long walk was worth every step!

The naughty face of the boy says it all 😂

Mangroves on the other side of the bridge. We saw a heron looking for food.. Spot it if you can!

Here’s my superwoman! Tireless and never giving up on what she started…

He has been running back and forth.. With the rocky path, he’s lucky not to have fallen down even once the entire time…

Tall magnificent trees..

My adventure-seeking husband.. It’s during these trips that I see a different side of him.. The animal enthusiast and frustrated zoologist 😄

Bye magnificent trees! Nice seeing you!

They left me in awe..

Beauty everywhere I look..

Another beauty even with the thorns..

Mangroves on the other side. Stray dogs seen crossing..

Keeping the smile on! The greatest survivor I have ever known..

I seriously would not know what to do if I see one!

Monkey spotting! This time we didn’t have a banana.. Lesson learned!

Papa Monkey here.. Ahead of Mama and Liev Grey Monkey 🙈
The Kingfisher Pod. The clouds were getting dark at this point and the climb was too high for grandma.. A nice pic then!

Lee and the Mudfisher Pod

You’re not dead as long as you’re still standing!
My boy, always having the time of his life, wherever he is. He reminds me that life, while imperfect, is too short to be unhappy.

Lee’s finger pointing to Liev telling him not to run. High-five Papa?

Couple selfie.. 😍

Janitor fish, mudskipper.. Too far to see from the pic!

Resting.. I’m so tired, Mama!

Liev’s baby monkey face!

Even the trash bin has a statement to say!
5,200 steps later, we ended our walking trail due to the dark clouds looming over.. There is another part of Sungei Buloh that we did not explore – Buloh Tidal ponds. We found out that there is another bus – 925C that drops off at Neo Tiew Crescent entrance.

Some good things come to an end, but we can always go back here for more exploration.. Maybe Lee will see his crocodiles next time.. 😰🐊

Previous posts:

Part 2 of 3 – A Sunny Trip to the Wetlands

Part 1 of 3 – A Sunny Trip to the Wetlands