Singapore – The weather is getting warmer this week and while I’ll definitely miss the cooler temperature, the blue skies are something I’d always rave about! Took the long walk home today to reach my 10,000 steps a day goal and I could not help but stare at the clouds and sky in awe. Unfiltered photos here using my iphone 8plus 📱🎱➕💙

Photo in blue & orange – Yes, I am amazed at how Indian women pull off colorful clothes like this in a seemingly ordinary day. Reminds me that we do not need any occasion or event to be well-dressed, because every single day is special! Great combination!

I’ve always admired this garden and it’s extra pretty today. People passionate about gardening but have no space at home actually pay annual rent to keep planting and caring for the greenery in patches of land in Singapore, such as those in parks. Isn’t that cool? See this Straits Times article here about this urban farming trend! 🌿

Sometimes I wonder why I’ve never really seen Singapore in the same light as now. Maybe it’s really true, you only see what you look for!

Singapore’s intent to limit and discourage more vehicles on the road absolutely helps traffic as well as the environment. In the photo above is a City Cab taxi, a petrol-electric hybrid car 🚖

Following the blue skies, I managed to detour at the nearby sports stadium where I haven’t been to for many years. It was getting dark when I reached the park connector but I couldn’t help but admire the pink and white HDBs along the way 😍

A somewhat ‘dry’ day turned beautiful by just choosing to take a walk! 👣💙

🌸 Blue skies smiling at me 🌸